Book Reviews for Living Loud on a Budget: Authentic Financial Living
See what readers are saying about the book:
A great read for anyone on their financial journey.
“The semi-autobiographical aspect of this book helped me put some things into perspective, especially since the author is a Barbadian like myself. I highlighted line after line and even wrote a few out on some note paper and put them in my purse. Tanja Gittens took the intimidating — and I mean intimidating — task of explaining personal finance in a way that has inspired me to take control of my money so that I can “Live Loud on a Budget” myself.” review
“Living Loud on a Budget is nothing short of inspirational. Tanja encourages you to to live life wholeheartedly and responsibly. She provides options for personal development, teaches you how to value your time and self worth, and concisely explains financial concepts and tools which are usually overwhelming for the average person to comprehend. Her personalized approach to writing about her life and experiences, keeps the reader engaged and builds your confidence in accomplishing your goals and incorporating financial planning in your everyday life”
Shané, 25
“Chapters 6 and 7 were both informative with information that was never shared by parents, families, and businesses because we don’t talk about money. It caused self-reflection on what I was doing about my own debt, how I can reduce it and if I could start saving even though I am near retirement”
Beta Reader
“This book was cleverly written, the author is sharing her personal experiences and her journey to living her dream to teach us about financial matters. She doesn’t use lots of financial terms, she shows us real life examples of how things can work. The mixture of financial and everyday life takes one on a journey so you cannot become bored, but you become intrigued as to what is coming next”.
Beta Reader
“As a working woman of colour, some of the stories resonated with me. It helped (me) to realize the importance of advocating for myself”.